Moreland University

Moreland University is a post-baccalaureate graduate school of education that specialises in the preparation of teachers. Through our flagship TEACH-NOW Teacher Preparation Certificate Program, or through six of our Master’s in Education degrees, candidates can complete coursework and be eligible to apply for a teaching credential in one of three states in the US, with recognition worldwide.

Moreland University

Moreland University – TEACH-NOW Graduate School of Education
Kevin J. Ruth, Ph.D., President


The ISC Research data portal has proved invaluable in targeting the international market in our key target territories. Through our flagship TEACH-NOW Teacher Preparation Certificate Program, or through six of our Master’s in Education degrees, candidates can complete coursework and be eligible to apply for a teaching credential in one of three states in the US. The teaching credential is issued by the state department of education in that state, and is recognised by governments and ministries worldwide.

Our programmes are aligned with the InTASC Teacher Performance Standards, which outline what teachers should know and be able to do to ensure every PK-12 student reaches the goal of being ready to enter college or the workforce in today’s world. These core standards outline the principles and foundations of teaching practice that cut across all subject areas and grade levels, and that all teachers share. The standards are:

  1. Learner Development
  2. Learning Differences
  3. Learning Environments
  4. Content Knowledge
  5. Application of Content
  6. Assessment
  7. Planning for Instruction
  8. Instructional Strategies
  9. Professional Learning and Ethical Practice
  10. Leadership and Collaboration

Our teacher preparation programme culminates in a 12-week clinical placement, usually in the school where the candidate is already teaching. This placement includes a supervising mentor and our own clinical instructor, both of whom provide feedback to and evaluation of candidates. It is a rigorous and rewarding programme.

Candidates can complete the entire programme in just nine months, anywhere in the world. There is no need to travel, no need for a visa, no residency requirement, and one does not need to be a US citizen.

Why the international school market matters to us

More and more international schools are requiring a teaching qualification (also known as a teaching license, teaching certificate, or teaching credential) in order to be hired initially, or to be promoted internally.

Unqualified (non-licensed) teachers who are currently teaching in an international school do not have many options available to them, to help them secure that teaching qualification in a timely or affordable manner. We provide them with the ability study fully online in cohorts of 10 to 15 candidates, with their classmates being teachers from other international schools around the world. They complete their clinical placement in the school where they teach currently. There is no residency requirement for our program, which means no visa requirement and no need to travel, keeping costs low.

Since our founding in 2013, we have served candidates in 150+ countries. International candidates represent two-thirds of our business.

The international schools market is the most fabulous sector in which to work. There is never a dull moment. So many rich experiences and connections that cause one to examine one’s own frame of reference, and develop it accordingly. It makes life richer.

Working with ISC Research

We use the ISC Research data portal to research and filter schools by curriculum and examination types, as well as locations, in order to map out possible future business development opportunities, given that we have partnerships with schools, including for professional development. Additionally, as and when needed, we use the contacts list in order to identify with whom to speak, when considering how best to contact the school. We also check a school’s affiliations, such as accreditation or inspection bodies, professional memberships, and more.

We share the ISC Research free reports widely among our team, from leadership level through admissions and candidate support, so that everyone has a shared understanding of what is happening in the international schools market.

Why we trust ISC Research

Having worked with ISC Research for over seven years now, we have had success in contacting schools and establishing relationships. The knowledge base is deeply useful as well, helping us to know what topics to speak about with key school personnel, so that we might learn more about their school.


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We are dedicated and committed to supporting the broader international schools community by providing data, trends and intelligence. Since 1994, we have guided schools with their growth plans, informed investors on new school development, helped universities to engage with international schools, and advised education suppliers that are supporting the market.