International school data you can trust
We process close to 300,000 data points every year and spend 4,500 hours on verification. Here is a snapshot of the new data points collected in the past year alone.
Market experts for 25+ years
ISC Research is the leading provider of English-medium K-12 international school data, trends and intelligence. We have been collecting market intelligence and data on international schools throughout the world since 1994.
We identify international schools using these criteria:
- a privately operated school that has chosen to deliver a curriculum wholly or partly in English to some or all of its students between 3 and 18, in a country where English is not an official language; or
- a privately operated school that delivers a curriculum other than the host country’s national curriculum wholly or partly in English to some or all of students between 3 and 18, in a country where English is an official language.
Much of our international schools data is gathered year-round from primary sources (governments, established international schools, and market experts) by a team of skilled researchers, including a team of field researchers based in key locations of the world where international education is in most demand. Our data is accessible via our live data portals.
We compile our analysis of both quantitative and qualitative international schools data into a comprehensive range of reports, including white papers and specialist reports on trending topics, global and market-specific intelligence reports. We also produce bespoke reports, designed to provide you with the answers you need, such as benchmarking.
What parents value most from their International school
July 2022
Services tailored to your needs
For Schools
Whether you wish to grow your community, develop your peer network, keep informed of best teaching and learning practice, or refine your development strategy, we will adapt our data subscription services and market intelligence reports to your needs.
For Education Suppliers
Develop your marketing and business development strategy with reliable and trusted market data and intelligence to inform your segmentation, lead generation, content marketing, community and relationship building.
For Educational Investors
Overcome the challenges faced in your search for a school partner. We will support you through every step of your selection process, providing you with historic and current market data and intelligence, as well as expert advice.
For Higher Education
Enhance your market knowledge to build strong relationships with international schools. Identify influential organisations and contacts to recruit good fit international students, in terms of language and independent learning skills, and mobility aspirations.
Let's meet!
Beyond Words: Strategies for Connecting EAL and Wellbeing in the Classroom
Event date - January 16, 2025
Join FlashAcademy for a Continued Professional Development (CPD) webinar on 16th January at 12 pm GMT. FlashAcademy will be discussing Beyond words: Strategies for Connecting EAL and Wellbeing in the Classroom. Find out more
Bett UK 2025
Event date - January 22, 2025
Come and have a chat with us at BETT UK in the EDT & AWS EdTech Innovation Suite. Find out more
Stay informed
Can CPD Improve Teacher Retention in International Schools?
The United Nations has issued a global teacher shortage alert, with a record number of teachers leaving the profession and subsequently threatening the stability of the world's 14,457 international schools. Considering this, ISC Research explores the extent to which high-quality CPD can improve retention and recruitment rates in schools. Read more
Building Relationships with School Groups and Associations
To enhance reputability and increase their market reach, education suppliers need to leverage the growing influence of school groups and associations. ISC Research’s second webinar in the three-part Masterclass Series explored how suppliers can successfully align their brand and services with the expectations of school groups, with the goal to build lasting relationships. Read more
Metacognition in the Middle School
Tanusankar Chakraborty explores the transformative benefits of the International Baccalaureate's Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course, highlighting its capacity to enhance emotional awareness and critical thinking. He explores the rationale behind integrating a metacognitive program into international school curricula, identifies the key challenges to its implementation, and offers practical strategies to overcome these. Read more
Let's discuss your needs
We are dedicated and committed to supporting the broader international schools community by providing data, trends and intelligence. Since 1994, we have guided schools with their growth plans, informed investors on new school development, helped universities to engage with international schools, and advised education suppliers that are supporting the market.