Purchasing and Resourcing 2024 report
In this report focused on purchasing and resourcing, ISC Research aims to explore the decision-making within K-12 international schools post-pandemic, delving into the processes international schools have in selecting and procuring resources and supplies. It also aims to compare some of the trends in the 2021 report to recent trends.
This paper casts a wide net, encompassing schools of diverse fee points and curriculum orientation spread across multiple regions. With a primary focus on meeting the educational needs of students aged between 3 and 18, this report aims to understand the rationale behind choices made by these schools, shedding light on the factors driving their procurement process, their resource selection strategies, and the investments that they are making or planning to make in the coming academic years.
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Price: £395
Included in this report:
- Introduction
- Research process
- Resource challenges faced by international schools
- Factors impacting resource selection
- Channels decision makers use to select suppliers for new resources
- What schools want from education suppliers
- Barriers to market entry
- How and when budgets are set
- What resources are schools focusing on in the coming year(s)
- Partnerships with suppliers
- Marketing to schools