International School Leader Magazine

Latest issue – June 2024

JUNE 2024


In January of this year, ISC Research celebrated the 2024 International School Awards, shining a spotlight on initiatives from 14 schools from around the world. In this month’s edition, we hear from five of these schools, who provide further insight into their successful projects.

Applications are now open for the 2025 iteration of the International School Awards, and we look forward to receiving applications over the coming months. You can find out more information on how to apply here.

Planning is also well underway for ISC Research Annual Conference with this year’s theme of ‘Future Intelligence’. Stay tuned to our social media for more information on how to join us for what promises to be two days of insightful presentations and conversation.

Adam Gray-Sims

Adam Gray-Sims


In this issue

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Promoting awareness of human trafficking through primary and secondary connections
Promoting awareness of human trafficking through primary and secondary connections

Jannapha Hubeny and Kennon Coe, primary educators at Atlanta International School (AIS), are dedicated to raising awareness about human trafficking both within their school community and on a global scale. They serve as key facilitators of the school's organisation, Atlanta International School Against Human Trafficking (AISAHT), working tirelessly to educate students and combat this critical issue. Read more

Transforming school communities with healthy food and farming
Transforming school communities with healthy food and farming

Award-winning Kopila Valley School serves 400 of the most vulnerable and at-risk children from the region each year using a holistic approach, with a major focus on experiential and place-based education. Sunita Bhandari and Rajen Karki discuss the school's healthy lunch program and agriculture initiatives. Read more

International mindedness at work 
International mindedness at work 

Lincoln Community School in Ghana won a 2024 International School Award for its hosting of the inaugural Model United Nations Conference. Johnny Schwerk, Counsellor at Lincoln Community School in Ghana, discusses the award-winning initiative. Read more

More than just a grade: Improving assessment literacy with leadership from the middle
More than just a grade: Improving assessment literacy with leadership from the middle

In the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ISF Academy in Hong Kong embarked upon the Assessment as Responsive Teaching (ART) Project. This emerged from a Professional Learning Community (PLC) on Assessment for Learning. Nicholas Forde outlines how a PLC model with ‘leadership from the middle’ can act as a driver of change within a school community. Read more

A purposeful journey: Integrating service learning and the SDGs 
A purposeful journey: Integrating service learning and the SDGs 

Samuel Hodge, Deputy Principal at Prince of Wales Island International School (POWIIS), discusses the award-winning POWIIS Project, a service learning/passion project curriculum addressing local environmental and social concerns. It is not just one initiative, but rather close to 30, aiming to cover all 17 SDGs. Read more

Service learning in action at the Kansai Food Bank
Service learning in action at the Kansai Food Bank

All schools want students to make a difference, but ensuring that this change is authentic can be a challenge. Mark Beales, Principal of Osaka YMCA International School, emphasises the importance of establishing sustainable initiatives exists at the school's core. He delves into the school's award-winning student-led initiative while sharing practical advice. Read more

Standardised assessments that meet the demands of international schools
Standardised assessments that meet the demands of international schools

For international educators, finding the right progress assessment can be a tight balancing act; with an increasing number of schools now teaching a combination of curricula across subjects, assessing progress effectively can present several challenges. Cerys Hadwin-Owen, Senior Lead Product Manager at Hodder Education, explores how choosing a skills-based assessment has many advantages in an international context. Read more

Empowering global citizens: DPS International’s journey towards sustainable impact
Empowering global citizens: DPS International’s journey towards sustainable impact

DPS International School in Gurugram won a 2024 International School Award for its Student Task Force, reflecting their commitment to innovative, student-led initiatives for community wellbeing. Gunjan Tomar, Activities and Service as Action Coordinator at DPS International School, tells us about the evolution of the Student Task Force and the various initiatives to exist within it. Read more

What do our students think ‘leadership’ is?
What do our students think ‘leadership’ is?

Schools are often keen to bandy about the term ‘leadership’. But it begs the question. In placing so much value on acquiring leadership skills, what exactly are we promoting, and how? Tom Wingate, Head Teacher at The Wingate School in Mexico City, discusses some insights into what students think of the above question and shares some useful leadership qualities. Read more


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