Community partnership
This award will recognise a school initiative that is being implemented that involves students as community partners, working in collaboration with an external group to develop impact in the community.
Details and eligibility
This award will recognise a school initiative that is being implemented that involves students as community partners, working in collaboration with an external group to develop impact in the community. The external group could include other schools, organisations, or people within the local or global community.
Your application needs to include evidence of the development of authentic partnership(s) between your students and an external group/community to identify and undertake collaborative action. Fund-raising events alone are not eligible.
Your application must focus on one school initiative and address the following criteria:
- How and why an initiative has involved students engaging with an external community to identify the authentic needs of that community
- How students have developed a collaborative partnership with an external community in order to support change
- Evidence of how the initiative has developed authentic impact for both the students and the external community
- How the initiative has been developed as a long-lasting initiative for the school; one that can be improved and developed over time and could be sustainable through successive staff changes
- Evidence of the strategies that are enabling this initiative to be shared with other schools (this could include links to details about this initiative on a public website, on public access YouTube video(s), through publicly accessible media, or details of community engagement, conference or workshop presentation)

2023 award sponsor
In a world full of schools that all look roughly the same, we help schools stand out and be seen as truly different. We do this by supporting school leaders and their teams to intentionally design the experience of their school. Find out more at:
2023 shortlisted initiatives
- American School of Warsaw
- Ma Kindy International School, Réunion
- SALT International School, South Korea
Full written details about each initiative will be accessible on the International School Awards online event platform from 25th October.
American School of Warsaw
2023 Community Partnership Award

2023 Award categories
Community partnership
This award recognised a school initiative that involves students as community partners, working in collaboration with an external group to develop impact in the community.
Digital technology in learning
This award recognised a school initiative that involves digital technology to support student learning in a way that includes the development of digital responsibility as part of the initiative.
Diversity, equity, inclusion and justice
This award recognised an initiative being implemented as part of a school’s strategic journey towards developing DEIJ (diversity, equity, inclusion and justice).
Ethical values education
This award recognised how a school initiative is supporting students in their development of ethical values which encourage them to think and act as global citizens.
Future pathways
This award recognised how a school initiative is preparing students with the skills and/or values to support their future pathways.
Innovation and creativity in learning
This award recognised a school initiative that supports students in future thinking and creative innovation.
This award recognised a school initiative that supports safeguarding within a school community. This included the prevention of radicalisation.
Strategic leadership
This award recognised an initiative that had been collectively spearheaded by a leadership team, senior leadership team or governing body.
This award recognised an initiative being implemented as part of a school’s sustainability ethos.
This award recognised a school initiative that supports the wellbeing of a school’s stakeholders, including the pastoral care of students.
International school of the year
This award was selected by the judges from one of the winners of the 10 individual categories.
Evidence requirements
Five photographs. Photographic evidence must be limited to five photographs only. Each photograph must be supported with an explanatory caption.
One video. Your video should explain/show your initiative including evidence of its success within the criteria required.