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White papers


White papers

How do International Schools Prepare Students for Higher Education?

With insights from students, university counsellors and education suppliers, as well as the most current market intelligence and data from ISC Research, this white paper will explore how international schools prepare students for higher education, both inside and out of the classroom.

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What is PedTech and why it matters to international schools?

With perspectives from EdTech suppliers, international school educators and PedTech experts, this white paper will explore some common misconceptions of PedTech, why pedagogy is about more than teaching and classroom practice and why PedTech matters to international schools.

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International online schools

In recent years, many brick and mortar schools are making the leap from traditional in-person classrooms to blended learning. Learn more about the unprecedented growth of the online schools market.

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We are dedicated and committed to supporting the broader international schools community by providing data, trends and intelligence. Since 1994, we have guided schools with their growth plans, informed investors on new school development, helped universities to engage with international schools, and advised education suppliers that are supporting the market.