White papers
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Hot topics in international education
Download a free copy of our white papers to explore topics at the heart of current conversations within the international schools market. Our white papers are based on the latest data and intelligence collected by the ISC Research team.
Explore the full range of white papers available below.
Edruptors 2024: International education influencers of the year
TitleJANUARY 2025
Find out who's been recognised as an Edruptor of 2024. Our white paper includes a list of international education influencers who share good practice and social media advice for their peers. Link to paper
How do International Schools Prepare Students for Higher Education?
With insights from students, university counsellors and education suppliers, as well as the most current market intelligence and data from ISC Research, this white paper will explore how international schools prepare students for higher ... Link to paper
What is PedTech and why it matters to international schools?
TitleJUNE 2024
With perspectives from EdTech suppliers, international school educators and PedTech experts, this white paper will explore some common misconceptions of PedTech, why pedagogy is about more than teaching and classroom practice and why PedTech ... Link to paper
How administrative edtech solves problems and poses challenges for international schools
TitleAPRIL 2024
Edtech is no longer a ‘nice to have’ for international schools, it is embedded in every aspect of school operations, supporting both administrative and pedagogical needs. Explore the role that edtech plays in international education and how it ... Link to paper
What data tells us about the international schools market
TitleFEBRUARY 2024
The international school market is growing. In the last 5 years, the number of schools has increased by 8% and the number of students attending by 10%. This equates to a rise in fee income of over $9 billion globally. Link to paper
Edruptors 2023: international education influencers of the year
TitleJANUARY 2024
Find out who's been recognised as an Edruptor of 2023. Our white paper includes a list of international education influencers who share good practice and social media advice for their peers. Link to paper
International online schools
TitleOCTOBER 2023
In recent years, many brick and mortar schools are making the leap from traditional in-person classrooms to blended learning. Learn more about the unprecedented growth of the online schools market. Link to paper
Why more international schools keep opening
TitleFEBRUARY 2023
As new international schools keep opening year on year, we've explored the macro and micro-environmental factors influencing growth in the international schools market. Link to paper
Where is the international schools market growing?
TitleFEBRUARY 2023
This exclusive white paper explores where growth is occurring within today’s international schools market. Link to paper
Edruptors 2022: international education influencers of the year
TitleJANUARY 2023
Find out who's been recognised as Edruptors of 2022. Our white paper includes a list of international education influencers who share good practice and social media advice for their peers. Link to paper
What makes the international schools market different?
TitleAUGUST 2022
How do English-medium international schools differ from domestic K-12 educational offerings and what does that mean for school admissions and education suppliers? Link to paper
Edruptors 2021: the top international education influencers of the past year
TitleJANUARY 2022
Who are the opinion shapers within international education today? ISC Research has explored this question for the first time, identifying the key education influencers followed on social media platforms by people around the world. Link to paper
Purchasing plans: the decisions international schools make and how
TitleNOVEMBER 2021
This white paper summarises the outcomes of our research into the ways international schools make purchasing decisions, and provides education suppliers with insights to develop a strategic approach. Link to paper
International school college counsellors share views on student pathways to higher education
This white paper complements our latest research report on the pathway from international schools to higher education by sharing the views of international school college counsellors on the research results. Link to paper
The growing demand for international schools within a mid-market fee point
TitleMAY 2021
Our team has done further research to help you better understand this growing segment of the global international schools market. Link to paper
Why parents select an international school and the impact of COVID-19 on school choice
TitleFEBRUARY 2021
This white paper explores the common reasons why parents select an international school for their child and the impact of COVID-19 on their selection. Link to paper
Why and how independent schools open sister schools overseas and what next for this education sector?
TitleNOVEMBER 2020
Independent schools in the UK and United States are looking at diversification for alternative sources of income, one of which is foreign development. Link to paper
Analysis of the historic response of the international schools market to local and global crises
TitleAPRIL 2020
In the light of COVID-19, this white paper highlights how the international schools market responded in times of crisis. Link to paper
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Enhance your market knowledge to build strong relationships with international schools. Identify influential organisations and contacts to recruit good fit international students, in terms of language and independent learning skills and mobility aspirations.
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We are dedicated and committed to supporting the broader international schools community by providing data, trends and intelligence. Since 1994, we have guided schools with their growth plans, informed investors on new school development, helped universities to engage with international schools, and advised education suppliers that are supporting the market.